Thursday, February 26, 2009

I can't believe my baby is 4 months old already!

I can't believe he is getting so big already!!!! To look at him you would never think he was only 4 months old. And to think they thought he would be a tiny little thing! boy was they wrong!
Isaiah weighs 15 lbs and 14 ounces. Thats another 10 ounce weight gain this week!
I started him on cereal twice a day this week. We are having bottle issues. The bottle that we feed from will not allow it to push through. I bought another bottle that I was told that babies with cleft can use but the nipple is too short. It is taking him 45 to 60 minutes to take a bottle. It should take him no more than 30 minutes to finish a bottle. They are concerned that by taking so long to eat that he is burning more calories than he is eating, obviously, from his weight gain thats not the case this week. We will continue to try and find something that works.
As far as the car shopping, well its over. We became the pround owners of a blue Dodge Sprinter. It is a ten passenger and lots of room. I love it so far. We kept the Sequioa so I still have my favorite car yet!.
Dave has been working lots of overtime lately and tonight is the first night he didn't work late. Well should I say he worked late at home. Always something to do I guess. With him working late, I think the boys have figured out how to double team me, and thats not even adding the girls to the mix! I know its only 9:00 pm but I swear it feels like about 2:00 am. I am going to attempt to get wild man Elijah in bed and asleep by 10pm... WISH ME LUCK!! He is a true night owl!

Good night

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Isaiah is still a little under the weather...

We went to pittsburgh today. Started out aas a snowy morning but soon cleared up to a cold day! I think Isaiah is developing a cold. It almost sounds like the croup. Its thar bary seal like cough. He hasn't eaten well for the last two days. He mostly has taken pedilyte.

He weighed in at 15 pounds and 4 ounces. Not bad considering his sickness. They did say his ears are looking better. Hopefully the tubes will take care of that problem.

Elijah isn't feeling well either. Sneezy and a little same like cough. I gave him some cough medicine and as soon as he ate he got down and went to the bedroom. When I checked on him a few minutes late he was sound asleep. If you know Elijah then you know he MUST BE SICK to go to sleep like that!

We are in the process of looking for another vehicle. One that is more suitable for our family. Keep you posted on the process. Right now Dave and I are in the "first we need to agree what kind of vehicle we need" phase. This should prove to be interesting.

Have a good evening.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Update from Pittsburgh

We went to Pittsburgh on Thursday. I know I am a little late updating, sorry.

Isaiah weighs 14 lbs and 15 ounces. I thought for sure we were gonna hit the 15 pound mark. We found out he has a double ear infection and a bug. Another antibiotic for him.

Every since they put in the nose stint we have had problems with him pulling it out. He gets his finger in it and pulls the whole thing out. They helped us with suggestions. They also put a steri strip through the hole to help keep him from putting his finger through the hole. As a last resort they gave me arm restraints to put on him. It is very important to keep the NAM in his mouth so we will have to do what is necessary.

Thats about it for us. I hope you are enjoying his site and all the pictures.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More pictures....

Pictures for your viewing pleasure!

I stand corrected!!!

It has been brought to my attention, by my wonderful husband of course, that he had an EGD. Ok so I was a little off on the letters, chalk that up to one very tired momma!!!

ok on to the pictures..... ENJOY!!

Its been awhile... and we've been busy!!

Just wanted to share a few pictures with everyone. We have been very busy at our house lately. Isaiah is growing up way to fast!!! We go back to Pittsburgh on Thursday. All our appointments are now scheduled for Thursdays from now until his surgery. BTW if you haven't heard is scheduled for April 15.

Since I haven't checked in for awhile I thought I would give a family update and let you know what everyone has been upto.

We also celebrated MaKynzie's 8th birthday. She had a slumber party. WOW what a night. Having 14 girls in the house was a little crazy but we survived, well should I say everyone and everything survived but the shower rod in their bathroom. For some reason MaKynzie and a friend thought they would swing from it and pulled it out of the wall.

Also had a MOMS meeting at church last week. What a great time that was. We learned about meeting the five needs of our spouses. Lets just say I am trying....
This month for our outing we will be meeting at my house and having dinner and watching Fireproof. If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it! What a powerful movie.

Dave had a ENG done today. Really sore afterwards but they gave him some sleepy medicine, which I must say he is enjoying a little too much. Hes been asleep over 8 hrs now!

We went to see Uncle Sonny and Aunt Wilma. That is always fun, though I don't feel like I got much visiting in. More like chasing Elijah in a new enviroment!

We took the children up to the Hampton to see Katie and swim and relax for the day! What fun that was. Elijah loved the "hot bath". girls had fun too. I took Isaiah in and he loved it. he was in for over an hour. It sure wore him out though. He slept for hours afterwards.

Elijah has entered a new faze. He is obsessed with Cars. We have watched that movie atleast 4 times a day for the last two weeks! He is still wild as ever but I must say a little quieter with while watching the movie, atleast until it goes off then he don't have a problem telling the world what he wants!

We have been busy planning our summer vacation. We will be taking a cruise with all the kids. My friend Amanda will be going also. We are so excited and looking forward to a great week.

Audrey is completely obsessed with the JONAS BROTHERS. Every other sentence is about them. I only wish she was as excited about her school assignments as she was them....

Dana has had an exciting week... She lost her two front teeth in the same day. She looks so cute with her toothless grin.

Devon, well I guess shes doing what every other freshman is doing... MY SPACE!

Kearstyn is doing ok. We had a scare at school with her last week. If you get a moment please lift her up in your prayers.

I have MaKynzie's valentines day party at school on Friday. Keeping busy with that.

I'll be back on in a while to load some new pictures. First I have to go watch The Biggest Loser!
