Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Its been a while...

Just wanted to update everyone n Isaiah's progress.
He is growing in leaps in bounds. Everyday he does something that truely amazes us. What a miracle God has given us!
Isaiah had the ABR test done last week. They had to replace his right tube as well. It was blocked and not functioning. He seems to be feeling better so hopefully its from the relief! We are currently waiting for the test results on a hard written copy. I know they said the results were fine but I want it in black in white.
He is learning to blow noise makers... Part of me screams YAH! he can do it but wow thats a lot of noise for such a lilttle boy! He learned to say move and moo. He is such a smart little boy!
While we were on vacation he came down with hand, foot, and mouth disease. He recovered after about 4 days but his feet look awful now. They are peeling and he complains and whines with them. Hopefully they heal soon.
Well, I know he is progressing in other areas too but honestly my brain hurts to much to think about it...
We are forever grateful to our friends and family who have walked along beside of us during this journey.... We love you all!