Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Back to Pittsburgh we go.

We made another trip to pittsburgh today. Things went pretty well. Isaiah weighs 12 lbs 9oz. Gained 7 oz in a week.

He has developed an ear infection and his first cold. Dave is sick and I think he caught it. He is coughing a lot and not sleeping well. Fussy and having belly issues.

We found out today that they will do the nose prep next week. I am excited but scared. I know in the long run it is for the very best. He has done really well with the NAM. This is just added to help his nose form. I will post a picture next tuesday when we get home.

I also have a picture to add that I took the other night when I had his NAM out. You can really tell a difference from when he was born. It has pulled it together.
Will try to get it uploaded soon.

Well Isaiah has been asleep about 30 minutes without being held so I better get a few things done while I can.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! We love you all. We want to take a moment to thank you all for your love and support this year. Your prayers for our family has helped us make it through.

Yesterday Isaiah had an appointment in Piitsburgh. WHAT A TRIP!!! Dave had to work so my friend Betty went with me and then we were going to Robinson to finish our shopping. We get to pittsburgh and mind you Dave always drives and I am usually asleep. So anyways I am driving along and we go through the tunnel and I make the first turn. After that you are suppose to vere to the right and of course I was in the wrong lane so to the left I go! Go up to go around the block and then I turn right to get back on track...
there is a fire chief blazer running around, then it blocks the road. so I turn on the street I need only to have a huge fire truck sitting there. Then comes another. So were are sandwiched between two fire truck and unable to go anywhere. Then the firefighters jump out and go running down the street carrying axes. It was a sight. We look behind us and realize a building is on firre on the top floor. Smoke everywhere. What a sight! Anyways we made it through and was on our way. Made it to the dr.

Isaiah weighs 12 lbs and 2 oz! Doing great. Not much to report except that Dr. V. said we will start with the nose in a few weeks. Yeah!!

Well I gotta run and take the girls to finish their shopping so that should be fun!

Amy and family

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Lots of info from pittsburgh

We had an appointment in pittsburg today. Isaiah now weighs 11 lbs and 13 ozs. he is one big boy! They say he is the biggest baby they have treated as far as how fast hes grown and such.

I hope I can get all this stuff straight.

Isaiah has been having periods of difficulty in his breathing. Like when he is eating he will choke easily and gasp for air. Sometimes for no reason at all he will arch his back and throw his arms and loose his breathe for a few seconds. It is very scary but he never turns blue or anything and it never lasts more than 3-4 seconds then he regains his breath. Today they noticed that while weighing him he was struggling to breathe a little bit. They noticed it in his stomach and under his chest. They said it was something new that he has developed, meaning they have not observed this behavior before. They immediatly contacted ENT dr and we had an appointment within the hour. They checked him and found fluid on his left ear. That means there is now an ever greater possibility for tubes. More than likely they will put them in when they do his lip repair but if they take him to surgery for any other reason before that then they will do it then.

They also said that his lip was starting to come together a little bit. She was very pleased and said she would begin the work on his nose to prepare it for surgery soon. It will be a something added to the NAM and placed inside his noe to push it out. PRAISE GOD the NAM is working!!!

The ENT dr also was concerned about breathing so they chose to do an endoscopy on him today in the office. That was not fun at all. They ran a camera down his nose. They found that he has something called laryngmalisia (I know I didn't spell it right). In terms we can understand... He has a flappy voicebox. The flap has too much tissue so when he breathes it causes him some distress. The good news to that is this... It covers the airway so that when he is eating it does now allow fluid in his airway or lungs. So they put him on a second medicine for his reflux to help with this. The next step is thickening his fluid and worst case senerio would be surgery.

We had family pictures taken last night and it was by far the worse experience I have ever had with a photographer. I will post the pictures in a little while but I have to give Isaiah a bath and Elijah in bed first.

If I think of anything else I will add it in a while.

I changed a few settings on this site. Several people have said that they were not able to leave a post so please try again. If you are still unable the please send me an email. I just would like to see who all visits the site and what ya think. Thanks


Monday, December 8, 2008

Its been awhile!

Sorry its taken a few days to post an update, things are a little hetic here.

Isaiah weighed 10 lbs 10oz on Tuesday when we were in Pittsburgh. they are pleased with his progress. Knot on his head has went down a good bit, hardly noticable now.

Been busy getting ready for Christmas. Hope to get the tree us soon. I am sure with Elijah in the house that should be fun. I am also scheduling Christmas pictures soon.

Hope everyone is doing great and enjoying the holidays.


Monday, December 1, 2008

1 month visit

It is hard to believe that Isaiah is 1 month already! But amazingly enough I can't imagine what our life was like before him. He is such a precious baby.

He had an appointment today in bridgeport with his peditrician. It is official... he now has reflux and is on medicine for it. They will increase it as he grows. Hopefully he will be off it by the time he is one.

We have another visit in Pittsburgh tomorrow. We will see how much he has grown. We are so blessed to be there. God sure put us in a great place with great doctors.

I will update tomorrow night.
