Thursday, April 30, 2009

two weeks since surgery

I just wanted to share some pictures I took. The second two were taken yesterday. It was two weeks exactly since he had surgery. I am amzed at how great he looks. Praise God he has done so well. I wasn't quite sure with what to expect. This has went above and beyond all my expections. I will be excited to see him on his first birthday. I bet you won't even be able to tell. he has learned to reach for people and things more this week and he waved to a lady in walmart yesterday. It seems he is growing in leaps in bounds.
On another note, I just wanted to let you know aunt Wilma and Unc that we are praying for you.We are so grateful to Doris and Jack that they are here with you during this time. Unc is having surgery on Friday and I am sure they would appreciate your prayers as well. You are very special to us and we love you very much.
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BTW that was Isaiah saying hi to everyone. he is on my lap and couldn't keep his fingers off the keyboard.
One more thing... Sunday 5/3 there is a walk at VA Park in Clarksburg. Its for March for Babies. The March of Dimes is holding this walk to raise money to help research birth defects and premature births. We as a family will be walking in honor of our precious Isaiah. We would love for our family and friends to come and support us and walk with us. If you can not walk with us but would like to make a donation to our team please call me. My cell is 304-626-6821. We appreciate all of you.
Amy and Isaiah

Monday, April 27, 2009

Isaiah is 6 months old today!

I have to say its been a very interesting, but quick six months. Boy does time fly. When we brought him home from the hospital I keep thinking where do we go from here. Look at us now... He has had his first surgery, has rolled over once, and is such a happy baby.

Things are progressing very well for him if I say so myself. He looks absolutely wonderful! He was a gorgeous baby before his surgery and I can't believe what a great job they done. We will be forever grateful to Dr. Jaing, Dr. V and all the nurses and staff in the Cleft-Craniofacial Clinic at Childrens hospital.

We are having some feeding issues. He is struggling to swallow. We are having a therapist from birth to three coming today. They will check him and see if there are any services he can benefit from. I am excited to see what happens.

Today I started wathing Hunter. So far so good. Luckily Isaiah and Hunter are on different schedules. Hunter is 2 1/2 weeks old. So 3 1/2 hours into today things are great.

Our evenings are getting hetic. softball practice for the girls. Games start on saturday.
More pictures to follow.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

1st post - op appt

Today is one week sice surgery. As far as healing goes Isaiah is doing well physically. He just is not sleeping and pretty fussy. He will eat one or two bottles well then the next two or three not so well. The medicince did a number on him but with some help we got that all figured out and I am sure he feels much better.

He weighed 18 lbs 3ozs last wed and today he weighed 17lbs and 15ozs. (that was with his no-nos on so I am sure more like 17lbs 13ozs). Said he looked great. lots of drainage out of right ear so ear drops til friday. If all goes well then tape, glue and no-nos (arm restraints) will be gone next week.
Isaiah has hit some milestones this week. We gave him applesause. He liked the taste but couldn't swallow. Every bit of it went in his mouth and out of his nose. I realize that all babies have to learn to swallow it but without a pallet that makes it a bit more difficult. I was told by another mom that there is therapy they can start at six months. I guess it cant hurt so we will see. I will be calling birth to three tomorrow.

I had Isaiah laying on the floor last night exercising his arms. He looked at us and smiled and rolled over! I am so glad that Dave and I both got to see it for the first time. He was so proud. I added a picture of him on his belly.
Elijah is staying with mama and papa tonight. isaiah is asleep for now and girls are in bed. Dave is still at work so I am gonna try and take full advantage of it and grab a few winks. I am completely exhausted. They said he would be out of whack for a couple of weeks, and let me say I cant wait til that time is over! After the girls went to bed Devon helped to entertain Isaiah and I headed off to soak in the bath. How great it feels to be able to shave both your legs in the same setting! Thanks Devon, sometimes I don't know what I would do without ya! Love ya!

Picture of his mouth was taken 5 days post op!

Good night and enjoy pictures.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

There's No God like Jehovah

What a great service at church today. We were so excited to share how well Isaiah done through his surgery and give God complete praise for it all!

As praise and worship started we gathered around the alter as usual. Our pastor was excited to see him. The very first song they sang was because he lives. It suure took a different meaning in our lives today. The second verse says this.....

How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he gives;
but still the greater assurance:
This child can face uncertain days because HE lives.

Boy that got ahold of us. We know that no matter what we may face each day, no matter what Isaiah may face, life is worth the living BECAUSE HE LIVES!

We just look at our precious baby and can't help but be in amazement of the healing power of our Lord Jesus. The drs told us he could be in the hospital 2-5 days and we were sitting in our living room in less than 24 hrs from when surgery was over. He has had some fussiness today. This evening all he wants is mommy. I stayed home from church with him and Elijah. He had a hard time falling asleep. Just whiney. He slept for awhile then woke up more fussy. Its times like this when I am sleep deprived and he is whiney that I need an extra boost. I am so excited to see each day as his lip and nose heals. The picture I took today is better than the one I took Friday. Its amazing how each day is such an improvement.

We have our first preop appt on Wednesday. I pray they tell us we are doing everything ok.

Well Isaiah is making his needs known AGAIN...

Got more pictures to load. hope to do it soon..

Friday, April 17, 2009

2 days post op

Wow I finally got some much needed rest this morning. I closed my eyes at 7am and when I opened them again it was 11:44. Isaiah had a good night. dozed here nad there and slept some in his swing.

He ate 8-9 oz of cereal last night which was good to see. He then had about 3 oz milk at 6am and has since given up on milk. In the last hour I did get about 1 oz of pedilyte in him so we will see.

I had to change his dressings so I took a picture. That was the first time I had seen it without the tape. I think it looks great. I can't wait to see it as it continues to heal...

Just wanted to add the picture and say thanks for all your continued prayers and support.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Isaiah did great and we are home...

What a miracle God has given us.

Isaiah was taken back for surgery at 1:40. Dr.s came to see us at 5:20. I am sure I will leave details out but here is the gest of it....

They were able to close his lip and reshape his nose. They also put tubes in both ears. ENT dr said that there was a lot of fluid behind his ears. They could no close his gum. Dr. said that was not important at this time. His teeth would still develop and probaly do better. I would be lying if I said I wasn't dissappointed. I am thinking of later down the road for him. Now we know that another surgery is in the cards for us. Sometime when he is six or seven.

We were called back to see him about 6:10. he looked so peaceful and so perfect laying there. He looked different but so precious. As a momma i wanted to scoop him up and check and make sure every part of him was ok. He did so good. They moved us to a room. A room with another baby. She was probaly about a month old. Parents left her and went to dinner. She screamed, isaiah cried. I new I couldn't keep this up all night. Finally I went to nurse and insisted they move us, which the charge nurse was awonderful. We were moved into another room with another baby, 3 weeks old this time. But they did farely well. together.

I found out today while talking to the mom that baby has been in hospital whole time. Her husband was involved in an auto accident and is in the hospital next door on life support. His name is Samuel. If you have a moment please lift this family up in your prayers.

Isaiah took 13oz of pedilyte from 8pm til 2:30 when I insisted the give him milk. He took about 20 oz from then til noon today. A big fear of mine was that he would not eat without his NAM well God showed up and showed off here as well. He abundantly ate!

We are home. I am exhausted. Dave is Exhausted. Isaiah has been fussy buy after more pain med kicked in is now resting comfortably.

I have pictures to add but have to find the camera cord first. I will do that after I take a short nap.

Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers,

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Surgery details

Got the call today that surgery is scheduled to begin a little after 1pm. We have to be there at 11:30. Surgery will last atleast 3 hrs and 1 hr in recovery. I will update tomorrow evening.

We arrived home at 5:30 this evening from fla. Leaving now for pittsburgh.

Pray for us. My emotions our doing summersaults right now.....


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So do you think its ok if I am a little scared?

ok so not little scared but completely and totally freaked out of my mind! Ok so I know that God has already went before us and paved the way. I dont doubt for a minute that our God cant show up and show off but as a momma this is crazy. The fear for this surgery has always been there but it seems that it is getting very intense these days. I look at his precious face and I think what a true miracle he is. He has been such a blessing in our lives. But once again theres the fear. The fear of the unknown....
How long will the surgery take? What will the outcome be? Will they be able to close his gum? What will his scar look like? How will he be able to eat afterwards without his NAM? How much pain will my precious baby be in afterwards? I just have so many questions?
Part of me is actually looking forward to the surgery. Sounds crazy I know but people can be so cruel. I can't wait until his lip is joined together. Grant you I love his smile right now but when someone looks at me and says whats wrong with your baby? I want to slap them. I am thankful that he is not old enough to understand them. In my eyes he is already perfect but this will be an added bonus for him.
Ok I think I am rambling. My mind is just so full of thoughts this week. Dave is away at school this week which always creates choas. He arrives home Friday evening and we are heading out for flordia to move his parents stuff back here. We will arrive home Tuesday evening and we are due to report to pittsburgh tuesday night. I am pretty sure we have to be at the hospital at 7:30 wednesday morning. Just thinking about it I am getting crazy again.
Although I am scared let me make it clear that we trust GOD ALMIGHTY completely with our baby boy. I know that God has great plans for him. I am excited for the end result. Please lift our family up your your prayers. Our family will be seperated for the next couple of weeks. Isaiah will have steri strips across his lip for two weeks and will be in arm splints for three weeks. He will no longer have his NAM which will be a struggle regarding feeding issues. We will be at the hospital 2-5 days.

Good night... my mind and body is tired.

Boys will be boys...

we took a trip to the farm to see uncle Tim a couple weeks a go.

The kids sure had fun.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Is he too cute or what?

This was by far the best session I have ever had!!! It was so much fun. I can't load all the pictures but you can go to sears website and view them. Enjoy and let me know what ya think...
you have to create an account with your name and email address. If you want you can also let me know and I will send them to you via email.
session id 42304A11619694
session password XWZ3MWT2P

Quick update from Pittsburgh

Things are going great so far and Moose has went back to his usual weight gain. He gained 10 ozs this week to put him at 17 pounds and 13 ounces.

They gave him a real good check over. He has been cranky for a few days and they wanted to make sure he wasn't trying to get sick. Everything seemed fine. I guess he's just a MAN, right?

Will have more pictures to add tonight.

Surgery on the 15th... YEAH!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

So I am a few days late...... My baby is 5 months old already!

I can't believe that it has been five months since my little (well big) miracle came into this world. So much has happened. We have came so far. When he was born I kept thinking it will take forever for his surgery but here we sit two weeks away.

I took him to pittsburgh last thursday for his weekly appt. The had to make his NAM longer in the back because mister Isaiah has figured out that he can use his tongue to push it out. Last week was insane. It seemed liked we would put it in for him to push it out. We even lost it in the middle of the night one night. We searched for 30 minutes. I keep thinking how am I going to explain that one to the dr.

He weighed 17 pounds and 3 ounces.

I wanted to add some pictures for you to see how much he has grown. I sure hope you enjoy seeing pictures as much as I enjoy putting them on here....