Monday, April 27, 2009

Isaiah is 6 months old today!

I have to say its been a very interesting, but quick six months. Boy does time fly. When we brought him home from the hospital I keep thinking where do we go from here. Look at us now... He has had his first surgery, has rolled over once, and is such a happy baby.

Things are progressing very well for him if I say so myself. He looks absolutely wonderful! He was a gorgeous baby before his surgery and I can't believe what a great job they done. We will be forever grateful to Dr. Jaing, Dr. V and all the nurses and staff in the Cleft-Craniofacial Clinic at Childrens hospital.

We are having some feeding issues. He is struggling to swallow. We are having a therapist from birth to three coming today. They will check him and see if there are any services he can benefit from. I am excited to see what happens.

Today I started wathing Hunter. So far so good. Luckily Isaiah and Hunter are on different schedules. Hunter is 2 1/2 weeks old. So 3 1/2 hours into today things are great.

Our evenings are getting hetic. softball practice for the girls. Games start on saturday.
More pictures to follow.


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