Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Isaiah just wanted to wish all his friends on his blog

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Nothing like the good ole stomach bug....

Well the stomach bug has managed to bite everybody in the house except Devon. I keep telling her to give everyone a big kiss so that she can just get it and get it over with. I want this mess gone out of my house! This stuff is nasty. I want a healthy house for Christmas!

On a good note, Isaiah is feeling much better! He is getting back to his old self. It is so great to see him smiling again. We are working on the whining from him getting spoiled. Nothing like being held for 2 weeks then coming back to reality.

Well Dana and Elijah are fighting over the computer.
Hopefully I can get things caught up tonight.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Adding a few pictures

Just wanted to add a few pictures of Isaiah. Of course they are gonna be in backwards order. The two on the bottom is pre surgery. The next one is right after surgery. They next one was taken sat morning after they removed the tube from his nose. The first one was a couple days ago when he started feeling better.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Isaiah is doing better

We had to make a trip to see the peditrician. Seems Isaiah has caught a cold or sinus gunk on top of trying to recover. Another round of Augmentin for him.
We were so excited the Isaiah had not had any drainage from his ears.... until last night. His left ear started draining. ARGH!!! I was really praying we were over that stuff!

We did notice that last night he was laughing some. It was great seeing our baby start coming back to life as we know him. He was crawling around and smiling.

We took him to church this morning but he didnt do very well. Cried and fussed thru most of it. I stayed home with him and Elijah this evening. Girls had dance and play practice. He was very cooperative and sat by me on the floor while I got some wrapping done.

Again I just want to take a moment to say thank you to everyone for all your prayers and support. Having the love and support from our family and friends has made our journey a little easier.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Another Dr appt today

We have an appt @2 today to see Dr. Mitchell. I think he may have caught a cold on top of everything else.
I found that yesterday he loved sweet tea from mcdonalds and I also gave him vanilla pudding with lots of milk in a cup. He loved it. So I know we are making a lil progress.
He has a runny nose and cough. I dont know. I still dont think we are getting enough fluids in him. Guess time will tell with dr. today.
Say an extra prayer please..


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

1 week post-op appt

Isaiah has had a rough week. Not wanting to drink much. Very lathargic looking. Just pitiful. Breaks this mommas heart to know I cant help him...
Had our follow up appt in pittsburgh today...
Our appt was at noon. They checked him out and gave us to choices... downstairs to the ER or be admitted.
Because he was dehydrated they had a horrible time getting his IV in. They gave him 400ml of fluid in 2 hours. He slept better in 3 hours today than I think he has all week. They wasnt excited about sending him home afterwards but they did. I just felt my baby needed to be home.
Please continue to pray for us. HE only wants me which makes it very difficult for me to do 24/7.
Well thats all the update I can give he is crying again...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

We are happy to be home!

We got home about 5 yesterday evening. So far things seem to be going well. poor lil guy looks so pitiful. He hasn't made a sound. just a lilttle cry here and there. He is drinking juice really well but wont touch a drop of milk. I hate knowing my baby cant eat food for a week. I hope when we go back on wednesday then the dr will tell us he can have pudding and yogurt. His swelling is down in his hand and face. He is doing better than I anticipated.
Thanks for the love and prayers,


Saturday, December 5, 2009

We are going home!

just got word from dr we can go home. I heard we got snow back home so hopefully we can get home before it gets too bad. We just need to watch for signs of dehydration. he started using his sippy some today so it looks like we are well on our way to recovery.
update when we get homeand get settled.


Isaiah is much better!

doctor came in early this morning and was pleased with the progress Isaiah made through the night. They removed his nose tube. I am sure he feels much better. He has started drinking from a sippy cup. He is still on morphine around the clock but I see a big improvement.

keep praying!

Friday, December 4, 2009

fever is up.

they gave him his dose of steriod. his fever is up to 102.5. his heartrate is running between 150-200. normal is 100-130. please pray that the steriod does the trick for the swelling and his tongue goes own. then his breathing may be better adjusted.

keep praying!

Rough day

Isaiah has had a really rough day. drs just left a little while ago. his tongue is still very swollen. because of swelling he is working harder to breathe. they called resitory therpy. they all deceided it was best to give him a dose of steriods. they said sometimes steriods can cloud or hide an infection so the are keeping a close eye. he still feels pretty warm. they are leaving the nose tube in all night and will reevalute in the morning to see if second dose of steriods is needed.
please continue to lift my baby up in prayer.


Isaiah had a rough nite. He either slept restlessly or cried. His tounge is still real swollen. cant take nose tube out til the swelling goes down. he is running a fever of 101.5. here for another day. keep ya posted.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Isaiah is out of surgery

isaiah is out of surgery. We were call to recovery @810pm. we r in a room now. He is sleeping. Hopefully he will rest as comfortablly as possible. The ENT cleaned out his ears and put him on more medicine. The surgeon was able to close his palate and do everything with the muscles so he may not need another surgery in three months. Tomorrow will tell alot. He has to drink 6ozs then he can move to the next stage and be one step closer to coming home.


Just got some shocking news....

was sitting in the corner, minding my own business, adding pictures to the site, when a nurse comes out to speak to another family and says, " your child is doing well, dr losse is starting to finish up." when she started to walk away dave looks @ her and says, which dr did you say? cause dr losse is in surgery with our son- the nurse looking completely shocked says ill be right back. She brings the charge nurse in and she begins to explain that the dr is working on both cases. Now, being a mother who is expecting a drs full and undivided attention while he is operating on my son, that didnt make me very happy. She went onto explain that things were happening in stages, I get that but I think things should have been explained a little better. I have a feeling when I am finished having my say then I bet things will be better for the next families sitting in our shoes.....


Isaiah's photo shoot

Christmas pictures

Update on Surgery

they took Isaiah back to surgery a few minutes after one. Dr. Simmon called a little after 2 to tell us that he cleaned and suctioned out his ears. Tubes are in place and working properly therefore there is no need to replace them. He did say there was alot of fluid and drainage, which we already new. Putting him on more meds and will follow up next week with ENT and frequently after that til we get them cleared up to prevent furthwer damage.

As for his palate repair, all we know is the anethisiologist said he would be in a great deal of pain afterward.

I think this time is was a little easier to let him go... I am so looking forward to all the things that this surgery could take care of. His eating should be easier with little being able to get out his nose. And course his ears. I cant wait til they stop draining!

Will post another update soon!
Thanks for your prayers.