Wednesday, December 9, 2009

1 week post-op appt

Isaiah has had a rough week. Not wanting to drink much. Very lathargic looking. Just pitiful. Breaks this mommas heart to know I cant help him...
Had our follow up appt in pittsburgh today...
Our appt was at noon. They checked him out and gave us to choices... downstairs to the ER or be admitted.
Because he was dehydrated they had a horrible time getting his IV in. They gave him 400ml of fluid in 2 hours. He slept better in 3 hours today than I think he has all week. They wasnt excited about sending him home afterwards but they did. I just felt my baby needed to be home.
Please continue to pray for us. HE only wants me which makes it very difficult for me to do 24/7.
Well thats all the update I can give he is crying again...

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