Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Isaiah's dr visit in morgantown

We went yesterday for our second opinion. Here is all the information... Some I agree with, Some I do not!

First-- He said that he agrees with the ENT in pittsburgh that the hearing test is within the normal ranges. He said that he would repeat the same hearing test. If the results were the same he would do nothing. If the results were different he would consider the ABR test. The ABR test is done under sedation but is very clear. Nothing can compromise the results. I wish they would just do it instead!

Second-- He agreed to refer him to a pediatric allergy doctor. They can only test for food allergies at this point but may provide some answers.

Third-- WVU cannot do a sleep study until age two. Guess we will wait that out a lil longer. I mean we have went 18 months without much sleep whats a few more months?

Fourth-- He believes that his clumsiness and falling are not ear related. He believes it is normal development. I DO NOT AGREE!

Fifth-- He said that he would not take out his adneoids. He said that it would present more probles with speech and eating. He suggested we deal with the sleep issues and leave adenoids alone. I am researching this information cause I don't completely agree.

Guess we will see what hearing and allergy tests say and go from there...

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