Dave was scheduled for a double bypass heart surgery on Thursday May 14. Things that week was totally crazy. i followed the ambulance down on monday and came home that night. Then I went back down on wednesday. Thank you Amanda for going with me on monday. Thank you Lisa for changing your plans and going with me on wednesday at what seemed like the last minute. God has blessed us with great friends. We visited at the hospital for a while then Lisa took Isaiah back to hotel. That gave Dave and I the chance to prepare for what we thought was one of the most difficults days ahead of us. But PRAISE GOD that he had other plans in mind....
About 11pm that night a cardiologist (not the surgeon preforming surgery next day) showed up and said she didn't think that this surgery was the best option for us.... ok so we were really confused now! They were having a conference the next morning and would present his case then. They were still holding his surgery spot. So now we were left all night with that "not knowing" feeling. WOW! they chose to do a stress test the next morning. 12 cardiologists in one room. we figured that God sent this angel to intervene the night before so why would not continue interrvening? Our friends from church Joyce and Rusty sat with us all day. They did the stress test. we waited and waited for the results. Finally dr came in and said that they believed that the surgery was too great of a risk to take. He had a better chance to live with the blockages and try a major lifestyle change then to undergo surgery. WOW TALK ABOUT A WAKE UP CALL!!!! Later that night they sent him home!
So far things are going really well. Thank you to all our dfriends and family for you prayers and support. A special thank you to Aunt Wilma... You are my true hero! I could not have made it through this without you! I love you and we will see you soon!
As for Isaiah, our baby doesn't look like a baby any more.... He's a MOOSE! He has now passed Elijah in weight! they are pretty much wearing the same size clothes.
Ok so I can't figure out how to post a picture after the writing. I have tried several times and ways and I dont have a clue!
But anyways, the first picture is of Isaiah in a swing at the park on Memorial Day. The second is of Elijah and Isaiah on the chair, If you look closely you will see that Isaiah has on Elijahs underwear. He actually fills them out better than Elijah.
Other things that have been happening....
Devon started her job at McDonalds
Kearstyn won an award for top GPA in fourth grade!
Schools out......
MaKynzie has advanced almost a whole grade level in reading. She is now back on where she needs to be.
Dana made it through Doughnuts for Daddy with him right by her side! She even made sure everyone in the class knew that her daddy could only have one doughnut cause her mommy said so!
Audrey sang a solo in the spring choir concert! Ive heard her sing in the shower but never like that!!!
Isaiah has learned to eat watermelon through his little net thing and LOVES IT!
Elijah, well he's Elijah! He will be starting a two day a week preschool in the fall. He really thinks he is all that now!
Kearstyn & MaKynzie had their first dance recital last weekend.
Isaiah has made major milestones lately...
He is reaching for things
waving hi
making silly noise
pulling his self up to the tray in the stroller from a reclining position.
trying so hard to cut a tooth.
I am also posting some more pictures. Enjoy!
We went to a wedding last night and the kids had a great time! Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Adam Perrine