Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Isaiah just wanted to wish all his friends on his blog

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Nothing like the good ole stomach bug....

Well the stomach bug has managed to bite everybody in the house except Devon. I keep telling her to give everyone a big kiss so that she can just get it and get it over with. I want this mess gone out of my house! This stuff is nasty. I want a healthy house for Christmas!

On a good note, Isaiah is feeling much better! He is getting back to his old self. It is so great to see him smiling again. We are working on the whining from him getting spoiled. Nothing like being held for 2 weeks then coming back to reality.

Well Dana and Elijah are fighting over the computer.
Hopefully I can get things caught up tonight.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Adding a few pictures

Just wanted to add a few pictures of Isaiah. Of course they are gonna be in backwards order. The two on the bottom is pre surgery. The next one is right after surgery. They next one was taken sat morning after they removed the tube from his nose. The first one was a couple days ago when he started feeling better.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Isaiah is doing better

We had to make a trip to see the peditrician. Seems Isaiah has caught a cold or sinus gunk on top of trying to recover. Another round of Augmentin for him.
We were so excited the Isaiah had not had any drainage from his ears.... until last night. His left ear started draining. ARGH!!! I was really praying we were over that stuff!

We did notice that last night he was laughing some. It was great seeing our baby start coming back to life as we know him. He was crawling around and smiling.

We took him to church this morning but he didnt do very well. Cried and fussed thru most of it. I stayed home with him and Elijah this evening. Girls had dance and play practice. He was very cooperative and sat by me on the floor while I got some wrapping done.

Again I just want to take a moment to say thank you to everyone for all your prayers and support. Having the love and support from our family and friends has made our journey a little easier.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Another Dr appt today

We have an appt @2 today to see Dr. Mitchell. I think he may have caught a cold on top of everything else.
I found that yesterday he loved sweet tea from mcdonalds and I also gave him vanilla pudding with lots of milk in a cup. He loved it. So I know we are making a lil progress.
He has a runny nose and cough. I dont know. I still dont think we are getting enough fluids in him. Guess time will tell with dr. today.
Say an extra prayer please..


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

1 week post-op appt

Isaiah has had a rough week. Not wanting to drink much. Very lathargic looking. Just pitiful. Breaks this mommas heart to know I cant help him...
Had our follow up appt in pittsburgh today...
Our appt was at noon. They checked him out and gave us to choices... downstairs to the ER or be admitted.
Because he was dehydrated they had a horrible time getting his IV in. They gave him 400ml of fluid in 2 hours. He slept better in 3 hours today than I think he has all week. They wasnt excited about sending him home afterwards but they did. I just felt my baby needed to be home.
Please continue to pray for us. HE only wants me which makes it very difficult for me to do 24/7.
Well thats all the update I can give he is crying again...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

We are happy to be home!

We got home about 5 yesterday evening. So far things seem to be going well. poor lil guy looks so pitiful. He hasn't made a sound. just a lilttle cry here and there. He is drinking juice really well but wont touch a drop of milk. I hate knowing my baby cant eat food for a week. I hope when we go back on wednesday then the dr will tell us he can have pudding and yogurt. His swelling is down in his hand and face. He is doing better than I anticipated.
Thanks for the love and prayers,


Saturday, December 5, 2009

We are going home!

just got word from dr we can go home. I heard we got snow back home so hopefully we can get home before it gets too bad. We just need to watch for signs of dehydration. he started using his sippy some today so it looks like we are well on our way to recovery.
update when we get homeand get settled.


Isaiah is much better!

doctor came in early this morning and was pleased with the progress Isaiah made through the night. They removed his nose tube. I am sure he feels much better. He has started drinking from a sippy cup. He is still on morphine around the clock but I see a big improvement.

keep praying!

Friday, December 4, 2009

fever is up.

they gave him his dose of steriod. his fever is up to 102.5. his heartrate is running between 150-200. normal is 100-130. please pray that the steriod does the trick for the swelling and his tongue goes own. then his breathing may be better adjusted.

keep praying!

Rough day

Isaiah has had a really rough day. drs just left a little while ago. his tongue is still very swollen. because of swelling he is working harder to breathe. they called resitory therpy. they all deceided it was best to give him a dose of steriods. they said sometimes steriods can cloud or hide an infection so the are keeping a close eye. he still feels pretty warm. they are leaving the nose tube in all night and will reevalute in the morning to see if second dose of steriods is needed.
please continue to lift my baby up in prayer.


Isaiah had a rough nite. He either slept restlessly or cried. His tounge is still real swollen. cant take nose tube out til the swelling goes down. he is running a fever of 101.5. here for another day. keep ya posted.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Isaiah is out of surgery

isaiah is out of surgery. We were call to recovery @810pm. we r in a room now. He is sleeping. Hopefully he will rest as comfortablly as possible. The ENT cleaned out his ears and put him on more medicine. The surgeon was able to close his palate and do everything with the muscles so he may not need another surgery in three months. Tomorrow will tell alot. He has to drink 6ozs then he can move to the next stage and be one step closer to coming home.


Just got some shocking news....

was sitting in the corner, minding my own business, adding pictures to the site, when a nurse comes out to speak to another family and says, " your child is doing well, dr losse is starting to finish up." when she started to walk away dave looks @ her and says, which dr did you say? cause dr losse is in surgery with our son- the nurse looking completely shocked says ill be right back. She brings the charge nurse in and she begins to explain that the dr is working on both cases. Now, being a mother who is expecting a drs full and undivided attention while he is operating on my son, that didnt make me very happy. She went onto explain that things were happening in stages, I get that but I think things should have been explained a little better. I have a feeling when I am finished having my say then I bet things will be better for the next families sitting in our shoes.....


Isaiah's photo shoot

Christmas pictures

Update on Surgery

they took Isaiah back to surgery a few minutes after one. Dr. Simmon called a little after 2 to tell us that he cleaned and suctioned out his ears. Tubes are in place and working properly therefore there is no need to replace them. He did say there was alot of fluid and drainage, which we already new. Putting him on more meds and will follow up next week with ENT and frequently after that til we get them cleared up to prevent furthwer damage.

As for his palate repair, all we know is the anethisiologist said he would be in a great deal of pain afterward.

I think this time is was a little easier to let him go... I am so looking forward to all the things that this surgery could take care of. His eating should be easier with little being able to get out his nose. And course his ears. I cant wait til they stop draining!

Will post another update soon!
Thanks for your prayers.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Isaiah's second surgery

We got the call last week that Isaiah's surgery that was scheduled for 12-29 had to be rescheduled. The date was... 12-3.

Went to pittsburgh today. Met with dr. Lossee. (I really miss Dr. Jaing!) we were given some of the details of the surgery. We know that the surgery will last atleast 4 hours. We will find out wednesday what time surgery will be. The ENT dr came in and suctioned out his ears. That was horrible but he was a trooper. By the time we got home the were filled up again.

Tomorrow is picture day.. will post the results..

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My lil miracle is ONE!

I can't believe the day has come and gone so quickly. It seems like yesterday we were welcoming him into this world. Wow what a year this has been.

Isaiah took his first steps the night before his birthday. He walked from mommy to daddy. What more could you ask for.

We are working on transition from formula to whole milk and from bottle to cup. Can't believe his next surgery is right around the corner.

Will be having his party in the next week. I can't wait to post pictures.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Isaiah cut his first tooth!

My baby is getting bigger... After three days of being fussy, a tooth popped through on friday evening. He seems so proud. Just biting eveything. Loves chewing on burp clothes. I think of him being Linus. I think several more are on the way..... We will see how long it takes them to come through.

Will try to post a picture soon. I am also scheduling pictures of all the kids soon. I can't wait.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Isaiah's dr appt

We went monday back to childrens for a follow up. We met the new surgeon. They have scheduled his palate surgery for December 29. He has another double ear infection. They gave us another antibotic and drops. We go back in a month. At that point they will deceide if they need to take the tubes out and put new ones in. They couldn't do his hearing test. Hopefully when we go back they can. Dave also has to go back in a month so we are trying to schedule together, We will see if that works out for me....

Isaiah is sitting up for longer periods of time now. Its so cute to see him meet this milestone. If he is laying on a pillow he can even sit himself up from that position. No teeth yet but seems to be working on it. He was very fussy yesterday so maybe that had something to do with it. That and the fact that he is a momma's boy! I don't mind but with Dave down for the count it makes it a little rougher. I dont understand his need to be social for an hour or so starting at 3 or 4 in the morning....

Gonna try to add new pictures soon...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dave out of the hospital

They discharged from the hospital yesterday. After isaiah's appointment at childrens yesterday then i took the kids home and turned around and drove staight back up here to get him. We stayed here last night. I wanted to give him some time to recover before heading home.

God has blessed us so much this week. HE has placed some wonderful people in our lives during this trial that I am honored to call friends now. I have been staying at their house this week and brought Dave up here to rest comfortably last night. I am getting things ready and we will be leaving to go home this afternoon.

Again thank everyone of our friends and family for your prayers and support for our family during this time. It truely means a lot to us.


Thursday, July 2, 2009


just spoke with the nurse. Dave is awake and alert. Still has breathing tube in but doing the breathing on his own. If continues to do well then will remove the breathing tube. This is one step closer to moving upstairs. Praise God!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Surgery is OVER!

Dr came to see us around 4:30. Dave still in OR. he had some extra bleeding. kept him in OR a little longer than expected. He is in ICU. I am waiting to him. Surgery went well. Did double bypass as planned. no suprises. Just want to take a moment to give God all the praise!


surgery update

took Dave to surgery around 11:45. Surgery started around 1:30. No other details.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Surgery time....

We are in pittsburgh. We are just getting settled. All the fun stuff like iv's and such.

Surgery is schedule for the second case tomorrow. Said will probaly go down 1:30 or 2:00 and surgery should begin around 3:30.

Please continue to pray. I thank God for his blessings on us this week. He has showed us great favor. Thank you Lord for the peace I feel at this moment.


Monday, June 29, 2009


Just wanted to let everyone know that we got the call this morning from pittsburgh. We have to check in between 11-1 tomorrow. His surgery is scheduled for Wednesday. We don't have a time. Will post when I know more.


Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Baby is 8 months old!

I can't believe my baby is eight months old today! wow where has the time gone? ASeems like so much has happened in such a short time....

He is now on formula.... being of the male species that he is... he is so picky. He got to where he wouldn't take the frozen milk at all. wanted it fresh I guess. It just seemed to be taking more from my body than I could give... Gods knows by looking at him he's healthly! He has been having fruits in his milk for a while now. I can't imagine having vegetables in milk so I haven't given him much of those. he has been having some breads and such from the table. So far ice cream, pizza and funnel cake has proven to be his favorites!

sorry I missed posting the other day with an update on the test results. Things got very overwhelming. Our fears were confirmed. Dave does have the blockages that we supected. The dr in motown is working with a dr in pittsburgh to set up all the details. we are waiting to get the call, then we will be haeding for pittsburgh for his double bypass heart surgery. I am frustrated.. This is what they were suppose to do in charleston but changed their minds at the last minute.

The girls are having a hard time dealing with it all. Along with myself, the fear of the unknown...

Please keep us in your prayers. I will update with details when we get the call!


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Please pray for Isaiah's daddy AGAIN!

Dave got out of buying me a mothers day gift cause he was in the hospital and wouldn't you know it... yesterday was our 5th wedding anniversary and here we sit in the hospital again! Talk about a cheap date! Afterall how much could hospital food really cost?

Dave wasn't feeling well on Monday evening so I insisted he go to ER. After I got all the kids situated I joined him in Morgantown. They have given him some meds and he is resting more comfortably now. He is scheduled for another heart cath and ultrasound of his heart this morning. If the results are the same as the dr expects then it looks like we will definately be facing surgery. The big question remains as to where and when. I need to talk to doctors then we will know more. I will update this afternoon when I have more information. We would appreciate your prayers for our family during this time. Psalms 118:8

On a happy note--- I went home last night to see the kids for a while. As I was playing with Isaiah on the floor I sat him up and he stayed--- Yeah! My baby is starting to sit up. Now I just need to make a mental note to put it in his baby book!

This week is proving to be a busy week-- I know like thats anything different for us! Audrey had a game last night andagain tonight. So far they are undefeated! GO TEAM!

Friday night is Relay for Life at the football field. I am praying I am able to attend. The girls are really looking forward to this. This is a great event and I really enjoy being a part of it!

Be sure to check in later for an update.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sorry its been a while..

Dave was scheduled for a double bypass heart surgery on Thursday May 14. Things that week was totally crazy. i followed the ambulance down on monday and came home that night. Then I went back down on wednesday. Thank you Amanda for going with me on monday. Thank you Lisa for changing your plans and going with me on wednesday at what seemed like the last minute. God has blessed us with great friends. We visited at the hospital for a while then Lisa took Isaiah back to hotel. That gave Dave and I the chance to prepare for what we thought was one of the most difficults days ahead of us. But PRAISE GOD that he had other plans in mind....

About 11pm that night a cardiologist (not the surgeon preforming surgery next day) showed up and said she didn't think that this surgery was the best option for us.... ok so we were really confused now! They were having a conference the next morning and would present his case then. They were still holding his surgery spot. So now we were left all night with that "not knowing" feeling. WOW! they chose to do a stress test the next morning. 12 cardiologists in one room. we figured that God sent this angel to intervene the night before so why would not continue interrvening? Our friends from church Joyce and Rusty sat with us all day. They did the stress test. we waited and waited for the results. Finally dr came in and said that they believed that the surgery was too great of a risk to take. He had a better chance to live with the blockages and try a major lifestyle change then to undergo surgery. WOW TALK ABOUT A WAKE UP CALL!!!! Later that night they sent him home!

So far things are going really well. Thank you to all our dfriends and family for you prayers and support. A special thank you to Aunt Wilma... You are my true hero! I could not have made it through this without you! I love you and we will see you soon!

As for Isaiah, our baby doesn't look like a baby any more.... He's a MOOSE! He has now passed Elijah in weight! they are pretty much wearing the same size clothes.
Ok so I can't figure out how to post a picture after the writing. I have tried several times and ways and I dont have a clue!
But anyways, the first picture is of Isaiah in a swing at the park on Memorial Day. The second is of Elijah and Isaiah on the chair, If you look closely you will see that Isaiah has on Elijahs underwear. He actually fills them out better than Elijah.
Other things that have been happening....
Devon started her job at McDonalds
Kearstyn won an award for top GPA in fourth grade!
Schools out......
MaKynzie has advanced almost a whole grade level in reading. She is now back on where she needs to be.
Dana made it through Doughnuts for Daddy with him right by her side! She even made sure everyone in the class knew that her daddy could only have one doughnut cause her mommy said so!
Audrey sang a solo in the spring choir concert! Ive heard her sing in the shower but never like that!!!
Isaiah has learned to eat watermelon through his little net thing and LOVES IT!
Elijah, well he's Elijah! He will be starting a two day a week preschool in the fall. He really thinks he is all that now!
Kearstyn & MaKynzie had their first dance recital last weekend.
Isaiah has made major milestones lately...
He is reaching for things
waving hi
making silly noise
pulling his self up to the tray in the stroller from a reclining position.
trying so hard to cut a tooth.
I am also posting some more pictures. Enjoy!

We went to a wedding last night and the kids had a great time! Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Adam Perrine

Monday, May 11, 2009

Please pray for Isaiah's daddy!

Dave started feeling sick on wednesday. Thought he had a virus. He went back to work friday. He came home and waas feeling worse. I sent him to dr to get chest xray. We ended up at hospital in morgantown. They did a heart cath on sunday. They discovered that he has two blockages. They are transferring him to Charleston this morning. They will do a double bypass on thursday. Please pray! This will prove to be yet another trying time for our family.

Thank you so much to all of our friends and church family who have been praying and for offers of help with the children. I truely appreciate it!

Lots of Love,

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

March for Babies

Even in all that rain on Sunday there was a good turn out for the walk. We had six friends and family which made a total of 15 for our team. We collected $300.00. I will still be collecting through the end of May. So let me know if you want to donate. Overall $30,000.00 was collected and donated to March of Dimes. This is so cool. I feel blessed to have been a part of a very special event. I look forward to next years walk. Isaiah was acknowledged as an Ambassador for the March of Dimes. It was neat. They presented him with a little duck.

Hope everyone is having a good week and staying dry.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

We have some Future Firefighters....

Today was a special day! Elijah got to be a firemen today. We went to the fire house and "uncle" Pat took us for a ride! Elijah found out Thursday night we were gonna go for a ride and he was sooooo excited. We rode out to see Aunt Wilma. He was so happy with the sounds and lights. He couldn't wait to beep the horn! Dana couldn't quit smiling. I think even for her tjird time on a firetruck, she had fun. Enjoy the pictures!
Our appt. yesterday went great. It was first time to the new hospital and boy was it awesome! The hospital is beautiful. Isaiah weiged in at 19lbs 3ozs with his clothes on. Everything came off his mouth and arms. he is super excited! We have to massage his scar but they say tha hardness is normal.
Tomorrow is our walk for babies and we are excited to be a part of such an important event! Come out and support us if you can.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

two weeks since surgery

I just wanted to share some pictures I took. The second two were taken yesterday. It was two weeks exactly since he had surgery. I am amzed at how great he looks. Praise God he has done so well. I wasn't quite sure with what to expect. This has went above and beyond all my expections. I will be excited to see him on his first birthday. I bet you won't even be able to tell. he has learned to reach for people and things more this week and he waved to a lady in walmart yesterday. It seems he is growing in leaps in bounds.
On another note, I just wanted to let you know aunt Wilma and Unc that we are praying for you.We are so grateful to Doris and Jack that they are here with you during this time. Unc is having surgery on Friday and I am sure they would appreciate your prayers as well. You are very special to us and we love you very much.
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BTW that was Isaiah saying hi to everyone. he is on my lap and couldn't keep his fingers off the keyboard.
One more thing... Sunday 5/3 there is a walk at VA Park in Clarksburg. Its for March for Babies. The March of Dimes is holding this walk to raise money to help research birth defects and premature births. We as a family will be walking in honor of our precious Isaiah. We would love for our family and friends to come and support us and walk with us. If you can not walk with us but would like to make a donation to our team please call me. My cell is 304-626-6821. We appreciate all of you.
Amy and Isaiah

Monday, April 27, 2009

Isaiah is 6 months old today!

I have to say its been a very interesting, but quick six months. Boy does time fly. When we brought him home from the hospital I keep thinking where do we go from here. Look at us now... He has had his first surgery, has rolled over once, and is such a happy baby.

Things are progressing very well for him if I say so myself. He looks absolutely wonderful! He was a gorgeous baby before his surgery and I can't believe what a great job they done. We will be forever grateful to Dr. Jaing, Dr. V and all the nurses and staff in the Cleft-Craniofacial Clinic at Childrens hospital.

We are having some feeding issues. He is struggling to swallow. We are having a therapist from birth to three coming today. They will check him and see if there are any services he can benefit from. I am excited to see what happens.

Today I started wathing Hunter. So far so good. Luckily Isaiah and Hunter are on different schedules. Hunter is 2 1/2 weeks old. So 3 1/2 hours into today things are great.

Our evenings are getting hetic. softball practice for the girls. Games start on saturday.
More pictures to follow.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

1st post - op appt

Today is one week sice surgery. As far as healing goes Isaiah is doing well physically. He just is not sleeping and pretty fussy. He will eat one or two bottles well then the next two or three not so well. The medicince did a number on him but with some help we got that all figured out and I am sure he feels much better.

He weighed 18 lbs 3ozs last wed and today he weighed 17lbs and 15ozs. (that was with his no-nos on so I am sure more like 17lbs 13ozs). Said he looked great. lots of drainage out of right ear so ear drops til friday. If all goes well then tape, glue and no-nos (arm restraints) will be gone next week.
Isaiah has hit some milestones this week. We gave him applesause. He liked the taste but couldn't swallow. Every bit of it went in his mouth and out of his nose. I realize that all babies have to learn to swallow it but without a pallet that makes it a bit more difficult. I was told by another mom that there is therapy they can start at six months. I guess it cant hurt so we will see. I will be calling birth to three tomorrow.

I had Isaiah laying on the floor last night exercising his arms. He looked at us and smiled and rolled over! I am so glad that Dave and I both got to see it for the first time. He was so proud. I added a picture of him on his belly.
Elijah is staying with mama and papa tonight. isaiah is asleep for now and girls are in bed. Dave is still at work so I am gonna try and take full advantage of it and grab a few winks. I am completely exhausted. They said he would be out of whack for a couple of weeks, and let me say I cant wait til that time is over! After the girls went to bed Devon helped to entertain Isaiah and I headed off to soak in the bath. How great it feels to be able to shave both your legs in the same setting! Thanks Devon, sometimes I don't know what I would do without ya! Love ya!

Picture of his mouth was taken 5 days post op!

Good night and enjoy pictures.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

There's No God like Jehovah

What a great service at church today. We were so excited to share how well Isaiah done through his surgery and give God complete praise for it all!

As praise and worship started we gathered around the alter as usual. Our pastor was excited to see him. The very first song they sang was because he lives. It suure took a different meaning in our lives today. The second verse says this.....

How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he gives;
but still the greater assurance:
This child can face uncertain days because HE lives.

Boy that got ahold of us. We know that no matter what we may face each day, no matter what Isaiah may face, life is worth the living BECAUSE HE LIVES!

We just look at our precious baby and can't help but be in amazement of the healing power of our Lord Jesus. The drs told us he could be in the hospital 2-5 days and we were sitting in our living room in less than 24 hrs from when surgery was over. He has had some fussiness today. This evening all he wants is mommy. I stayed home from church with him and Elijah. He had a hard time falling asleep. Just whiney. He slept for awhile then woke up more fussy. Its times like this when I am sleep deprived and he is whiney that I need an extra boost. I am so excited to see each day as his lip and nose heals. The picture I took today is better than the one I took Friday. Its amazing how each day is such an improvement.

We have our first preop appt on Wednesday. I pray they tell us we are doing everything ok.

Well Isaiah is making his needs known AGAIN...

Got more pictures to load. hope to do it soon..

Friday, April 17, 2009

2 days post op

Wow I finally got some much needed rest this morning. I closed my eyes at 7am and when I opened them again it was 11:44. Isaiah had a good night. dozed here nad there and slept some in his swing.

He ate 8-9 oz of cereal last night which was good to see. He then had about 3 oz milk at 6am and has since given up on milk. In the last hour I did get about 1 oz of pedilyte in him so we will see.

I had to change his dressings so I took a picture. That was the first time I had seen it without the tape. I think it looks great. I can't wait to see it as it continues to heal...

Just wanted to add the picture and say thanks for all your continued prayers and support.


Thursday, April 16, 2009