Sunday, April 19, 2009

There's No God like Jehovah

What a great service at church today. We were so excited to share how well Isaiah done through his surgery and give God complete praise for it all!

As praise and worship started we gathered around the alter as usual. Our pastor was excited to see him. The very first song they sang was because he lives. It suure took a different meaning in our lives today. The second verse says this.....

How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he gives;
but still the greater assurance:
This child can face uncertain days because HE lives.

Boy that got ahold of us. We know that no matter what we may face each day, no matter what Isaiah may face, life is worth the living BECAUSE HE LIVES!

We just look at our precious baby and can't help but be in amazement of the healing power of our Lord Jesus. The drs told us he could be in the hospital 2-5 days and we were sitting in our living room in less than 24 hrs from when surgery was over. He has had some fussiness today. This evening all he wants is mommy. I stayed home from church with him and Elijah. He had a hard time falling asleep. Just whiney. He slept for awhile then woke up more fussy. Its times like this when I am sleep deprived and he is whiney that I need an extra boost. I am so excited to see each day as his lip and nose heals. The picture I took today is better than the one I took Friday. Its amazing how each day is such an improvement.

We have our first preop appt on Wednesday. I pray they tell us we are doing everything ok.

Well Isaiah is making his needs known AGAIN...

Got more pictures to load. hope to do it soon..

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